
Monday, September 15, 2008

How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex

If break ups are tough on any part of you it's your mind. It's simply impossible to get your get out of your head. Everything you see and a lot of your surroundings only seem to remind you of them. Finding relief from these constant reminders can be difficult. You want to move on but find that it's an uphill battle with them everywhere in your thoughts and in what's around you. So how can you stop thinking about your ex if you want to get over them?

One of the first things you need to do is get away from wherever you've be hanging out all this time so you can experience life again. Get off your couch, out of your bedroom, out of the house, just get out and try and be sociable again. You'll probably find you need to make yourself have fun if it's a friendly outing, but the main purpose of doing this is to distract your mind from something other than your ex. Don't be shy about meeting new people either, they can really help ease the pain after a break up so you can move on.

Now is that time to take up a new hobby or activity you've been putting off for so long. Learning something new will let your mind concentrate on doing it right and properly so your mind will be distracted as well. Physical activity has it's own way of working things out so if you chose to work out again it will go a bit further if distracting your thoughts than other activities. People commonly throw themselves into their work at this stage too. With their mind constantly on doing their job better they have less time to think about their ex. Slowly, but surely, time will make the pain go away as you continue to press forward.

There's a multitude of other ways to stop thinking about your ex out there. What's important is that you find one or two of them and take some action and do them. Until you find the will power to get out of the house, off of your computer, and back out into the world again you won't get be able to stop thinking about your ex.

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