
Friday, August 2, 2013

Buy the Magic Of Making Up - Truth Exposed

 "The Magic of Making Up" System - Truth Revealed!

Do you feel like you've lost all hope for future happiness? While that may sound dramatic, it's a very real feeling if you broke up with your lover. If you're like me when I got dumped, you are desperate for advice, any advice that will get you back with your ex. I want to share my thoughts on this book with you since it guarantees you will get your ex back if you follow the steps in the book!

The Magic of Making Up explains what mistakes people make after a breakup and why doing those things will drive your ex further away. For example, if you are texting them, calling them or emailing them all the time this is a big turn-off and makes your ex want to avoid you. Most of us have a compelling desire to try and get them to understand, because if you could just explain how much they mean to you they would let you come back - at least in our minds. Find out what you can do that will get you positive attention from your ex.

Here's a few highlights of the book I thought worth mentioning:

Chapter 1 - You will find out why your relationship ended and why it is not over yet!

Chapter 2 - Why you should not panic - and what to do instead! Also find out about the "fast-forward technique".

Chapter 4 - How to break the pattern that was build by bad feelings and experiences and change it for the better.

Chapter 5 - If you go out on dates with other people, it will help you in your plan to get back together with your ex.

Chapter 6 - How to avoid making mistakes by easing back into things. How to handle your first contact, what to do and what not to do. Here you'll also read about the powerful "instant reconnect technique" that will trigger your ex partner's mind into feeling like you are a couple again!

Chapter 7 - This is for when you are back together. How to maintain the fun in your relationship and avoid falling back into bad habits and mistakes.

Positive points:

The Magic of Making Up system is not a rehash of other methods out there. The techniques and strategies are easy to understand and anyone should be able to use them. The idea is to learn how to make use of the underlying reasons why people take their ex back.

The author, T. Dub Jackson gives free samples at his website and you can read testimonials from people who have used the methods and gotten back together with their partners.

If you are serious about having a "happy ever after" with the love of your life, then you should follow the methods outlined in this book. These are powerful techniques written by an understanding of the way people's minds work and how they respond.

Definitely a thumb's up.

Negative points:

This will take effort from you to make it work. You need to take the time to follow the methods correctly, a half-hearted effort will not get you the results you want. You will have to exercise patience and self control. Only buy this book if you truly are serious and willing to do whatever it takes to get your ex back.

If you are ready to be reunited with your ex lover and walk around with a light heart again, then you owe it to yourself to get this book NOW!

You can go to The Magic of Making Up site by clicking here. You will also be able to see helpful videos and read real life testimonials of people who have successfully reunited with their ex due to following the steps in the book!

Monday, July 8, 2013

How To Get Your Ex To Return Your Phone Call

Do you wish you had the "magic words" to make you ex want
to return your phone call.

While it may sound nuts, the right words will really make
them feel like they have to call you back.

Cool huh?...

So, the answer to "How do I get my ex to return my phone call?
Or text message or email.



You don't want to use this technique by itself
without a plan or strategy of what to do when they
do call you back! You may end up causing even more
damage to your relationship that way.

In the book, the Magic of Making Up, you will find
a complete strategy. So, if you think the message to
leave your ex is one you feel like you could try, you
should definitely check out the book and have planned
what to do next!

What NOT to Say!

Before we get into the actual words, let's
go over what message almost NEVER

and worse...

Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position.

These usually fall into 2 categories.

The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like

"John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd
time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."


"Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me
as soon as you get this."

Now, I think you can see what is wrong with
both of those approaches?

So, I won't go on and on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in
the human mind are

*Curiosity &
*Self Interest

And here's the BIG SECRET!

When you combine the two, you
have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'


Let's look at what you can say
that works nearly EVERY TIME.

In a friendly tone:

"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let
you know I appreciate what you did for
me. Call me because I want to thank you
in person."

Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity
and self interest?

John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?"
"What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And
he feels good because it is a positive message.


Before you call you need to do the
"Set Up"...which is figuring out what
he/she did that you appreciate.

It can be any small thing...but needs to
be believable.

But more importantly...


Please have an underlying strategy
like you will find laid out in the
Magic Of Making Up System BEFORE you call.

If you apply this technique with
no underlying strategy and they
call you back you can do more
DAMAGE than good if you do not
handle it correctly.


What I am saying is...

What you do before, during and
after you get them to return your
call is MORE important than getting
them to return your call.

Make sense?

Have a PLAN!More details here!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

1st Steps to Take After A Breakup - If You Want Your Ex Back

Listen to this video to find out the very first steps you want to take after a breakup, assuming you do want to get your ex back!

This video is by T. Dub Jackson who wrote the book, a"The Magic of Making Up" will give you some really good info that you can USE right now to help get your relationship back together.e 6, 201

Go to this site : The Magic of Making Up if you found this video helpful to find out more about getting you and your ex back together!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Boyfriend Break Up What Can I Do to Get Ex Back?

Do you remember the first time your boyfriend kissed you?
You're probably wondering what happened since then that was so awful that you had your boyfriend break up with you.

I'm sure you are hurting inside right now and wondering what you did wrong. Don't spend too much time beating yourself up right now. Most likely your guy had issues of his own, that's why they say it's not you, it's them.

If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, there are some steps you should follow.
Here's some ideas to get you started:

  • Back off from your ex. He wants to take a break from you, so that means not calling or texting him all the time. Give things some time to cool down, say a month or so.
  • Flirting with other guys is healthy for you, and if he is around he may wish that he was your boyfriend again.
  • Write him a letter. In the letter apologize for something you did wrong and tell him you are ok with the break up. He won't be expecting this, the fact is he's imagining you as broken hearted.
  • Let him know that you have moved on with your life. Mention something fun or new you have been doing and act real casual with him. You will make him curious and leave him wanting to know more.

I'd be willing to bet that he is now interested in seeing you again. Make a casual date for a brief meeting over lunch or coffee. Show up looking your best and do NOT get emotional or come across as needy. You want to show him you are strong, confident and not desperate to be with him. Keep the conversation light, friendly and don't get too personal. Leave him wanting more. Even a boyfriend break up can survive if you truly love each other.

These methods can get you a long way if you want to get ex back after boyfriend break up. Don't blow it by going too fast, make sure and keep your cool.

Want to make sure you don't blow it? Check out the magic of making up site to get a step-by-step plan that offers real help in getting your ex back.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On

Has your boyfriend left you and now you are left asking "how to get my ex back when he's moved on"?

You don't have to mope around feeling like you've lost him forever because that may not be the case. There are some things that you can be doing right now to help get your ex back, even if he is dating another woman and doesn't seem to be interested in you.

1) Your first tip to getting your boyfriend back is to convince him that he really does want you.

There are several things you can use to gain his interest unless he really and truly wants nothing to do with you at all.

2) One of the most effective tactics you can use is to just be his friend.

A good friend that he can get along with that doesn't cause any emotional scenes. Show that you understand him and have fun and joke around together. Allow time for all the emotional stress and drama surrounding your breakup have died done and he might realize that he wants to get back together with you again.

3) When you talk to your ex, be sweet and easy to talk to, but play a bit hard to get.

Having a bit of an attitude can show him that you are not ready to fall into his arms just because he crooks his little finger. Just being a bit out of his reach may make him want you all the more, you know like wanting what you can't have.

4) Even though you are playing hard to get make sure he knows that you are available.

While it's ok to flirt and hang out with other friends, males included, don't overdo it. While a bit of jealously may be all right, you don't want to totally discourage him by making him think that you are not available.

5)Do not act desperate - it will kill his interest.

You will seem weak and pitiful and not appealing. You want to attract him, not repel him. Play it cool and act like what happened is ok and that you are ready to move on. This will intrigue him and get his interest.

6) Another trick - if you catch him looking at you or you feel like he is, then look at him out the corner of your eye. This is kind of showing him that you notice, but you appear mysterious and out of reach at the same time.

7) Once in awhile, reminisce about some of the good times that the two of you had together.

Thinking about the closeness you had and how good you were together can only help make him long for things to be the way they used to be. Just avoid bringing up any bad memories, they will only hurt your cause.

These tips are just the beginning ones to win your ex back.

They are also the first steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And truthfully, they aren't my own ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had just didn't know what to do to or how to get my lover back.
T 'Dub' wrote a complete, step by step plan that anyone can understand called "The Magic Of Making Up".
It certainly worked like magic for me and my partner. Now we are more in love than ever and have a better and more passionate relationship. Check out his website for more details and to see the free videos at: The Magic of Making Up

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Should You Get Back Together With Your Ex?

I have had a lot of people ask if they should get back together with their ex. Well, my friend you are the one who is most qualified to answer that. What seems to be most confusing is that after a breakup everyone involved is running on their emotions. It's almost impossible to think straight and decisions made at that time are often a mistake.

You should take a few weeks to a month to think things through, possibly longer if you still have trouble thinking rationally. You can only really do this successfully if you have no contact with your ex during this time. You need to consider the question of whether or not you really want to get back together with your ex.

It's easy to fall into the trap of telling yourself that you love them so much you'll never be happy without them. That is not usually true and people do go on with their lives and fall in love again after breakups. Sometimes there are very good reasons NOT to get back together. For example, if your ex is physically or emotionally abusive. Realize that you are a valuable person and deserve to be treated kindly and with respect.

You should consider what the negatives were in your relationship and what could be done to fix them. If your ex lover is not interested in making changes, you are just asking for trouble. Most likely, whatever faults they have are not going to just go away. If they won't keep a job and contribute to the bills now then that will continue to be a problem if you get back together. If they drink excessively, they're not likely to stop just because you agree to take them back.

Again, you are the one who knows best what their problems are. Some people will promise to do anything if you will take them back, but those promises are empty ones that will be broken. Don't make the mistake of taking someone back over and over just because you really want to believe them! It's much smarter to make them prove that they will stop or start something that has been a problem before you get back together.

If you see a lot of positives in your relationship then you may decide it's worth it to try again. Set some clear guidelines and take things slowly - for both your sakes. A good relationship requires work and commitment on both sides.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Simple 5 Step Guide To Get Your Ex Back!

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a guide to follow to get your ex back?

Most of the time after you break up you will be too upset to think things through. People tend to do all the wrong things to get back with their ex and end up driving them away. It’s miserable being dumped and usually we do a lot of crazy things.

You need to have a cool head and take the steps that will bring the two of you together again.

That’s why I made this guide to help those of you who will do whatever it takes to get back with your ex.

5 Step Guide to Get Your Ex Back:

1. Figure out what was wrong. Obviously something happened to make your ex break it off. You may know exactly what it was or it may take some soul searching. Whether it was an argument or a series of things, if you don’t know the problem, you can’t fix it.

2. Have no contact for a month. While a month feel like forever to you, you really need that time apart from your ex. Both of you need time to process things and let your emotions die down so you can think rationally. The other reason for no contact is that you ex lover will most likely miss you and think about you. You want to give them breathing space so they can do this.

3. Write a letter to your ex. The letter is an effective tool to say what you want without having any confrontation. In the letter you should apologize if you’ve been bugging them a lot and let them know you just went a bit nuts. Tell them you’ve had time to realize that they were right in breaking up with you, you think it’s a good idea! You can even go so far as to say that you had been considering it for awhile. You don’t need to go into detail, believe me, that’s enough! It definitely won’t be what they are expecting. You will be surprised how it can change their thinking about you and realize that you just might not come running back.

4. Give a thoughtful and sincere apology. When your month of no contact has gone by and you are feeling more in control of yourself, you need to have an apology ready. Just think of something that you know you need to say I’m sorry for, and can be sincere about it. Even if you’re thinking, it’s partly their fault, that should be put aside for now. A real apology will clear the air and actually be a relief to you.

5. Do not use the word “but” in your apology! The word “but” should definitely not be said! Your apology may be going along nicely and then you say “but” and it’s downhill from there. Saying that switches the blame that you need to take to them, and that will put their back up, and most likely start an argument. So far from clearing the air and making things right, you’ll cause further damage and come across as insincere. Be sincere and have your apology well thought out and you can make some real progress.

By following these steps you may be surprised at how much good response you’ll get from your ex.

Keep it mind that people do make up every day. Most important is to be cool, calm and not try to hurry things along. You don’t want to rush things and undo all the good you’ve done by following the 5 steps to get your ex back.

One of the best materials I’ve ever read about mending relationships is the Magic of Making Up by T. Dubb Jackson. If you want a step-by-step guide to effectively get your ex back, check it out. Join the thousands they have helped reuinte with their lovers by following this link to the "Magic of Making Up" site now!