There’s lots of us who’ve been part of a breakup and much of the time all you can think about is how to get your man or ex-girlfriend back. Feeling miserable and doing crazy things by acting on emotions can be a big mistake. Let’s look at some of things people do when they are dumped and why they cause more problems with their ex and drive them further away.
- Calling, texting or emailing several times a day. These mostly end up in pleading or crying and annoy your ex. They will push you even further away. Right after a breakup one of the most important things to do is give your ex some space and time away from you.
- Apologizing for everything and promising to do whatever they want if they’ll just take you back. Comes across as insincere and only wanting your way.
- Losing your cool whenever you see or speak to them. You’re certainly not attracting them this way, only turning them off.
- Crying and telling them how they are the love of your life and you can’t live without them. You appear weak and desperate, and people are not attracted to weakness.
- Buttonholing your ex’s friends or family and pumping them for info or explaining why they should take you back. Again, you are not giving your ex any space and are only reinforcing the reasons they decided to break up with you.
I’m betting you could add to this list if you thought about it. So what should you do when you can’t think clearly and just want to get back together? You need a plan of action that really works and appeals to your ex on a totally different level than your frantic attempts to get their attention have done.
If you are serious about getting your ex back you owe it to yourself to read the “Magic of Making Up” by T Dub Jackson. He outlines a plan of action that really works in getting relationship back together. You’ll shake your head at his advice and wonder why you didn’t think of that. The problem is that after you break up you’re so emotional about it that you can’t think clearly and just act out of desperation. This is the worst thing you can do. I recommend reading this book and trying the tactics laid out, they really do work. Go here to check it out.
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