
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Easy to Follow Tips to Win Your Ex Back Today

You may feel like there’s nothing you can do to win your ex back.

Don’t give up, I’m going to give you some tips you can work on to get them back. Tips that will disarm your ex and have them wondering why they broke up with you in the first place. I’ve been there and made a lot of the same mistakes that most people make after their partner breaks up with them. I had to learn the hard way. Let’s see what you can do that will really change your ex’s mind.

To begin with, don’t let your emotions control you.

A common mistake that I made and most make that have recently been dumped is to continuously call or text your ex. This is super annoying to your ex and will only drive them further away from you. Some people even watch their house hoping to get to see their ex. This is about the worst thing you can do. You need to get control of this behavior and stop harassing your ex. You goal should be to miss you and not be looking to avoid you!

Next, go out and have some fun!
Be seen by your friends (and your mutual friends out enjoying yourself). An even better idea is to go out on some dates. You may actually find yourself having fun with someone who is not your ex! This will bother your ex when they see that you are actually going on with your life without them. Even though they broke up with you, they won’t expect this and it will actually make you more appealing to them.

Finally, ask your ex to meet with you for a brief visit, like at a coffee shop or other public place.

If it’s in public, it tends to not get too emotional. The idea of this meeting is to apologize. If you are honest with yourself, you can surely come up with something that you can apologize for. Just be sincere and this usually works so well that your ex will be extremely open and willing to discuss getting back together with you!

If things don’t happen the way you want right away, don’t give up! I just recently read a great book on the subject and you can check it out here: “The Magic of Making Up” here. I really think it can help you.

To win your ex back you just need a solid, common sense plan that works.

Following a plan of action that uses common sense instead of following your emotions really will help you get your ex back. Find out how to get them to return your phone calls, and other tips here: Make Up Magic

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Scared You’ll Never Get Your Ex Back? 7 Steps To Take to Win Them Back

If you’ve been miserable since your breakup then you need to have a plan to get your ex back starting today!

It’s miserable to be told goodbye by someone you love and feel like that’s the end of everything you had together. You think that you’d do anything to get your ex back, but are unsure and scared of how to go about it. Having a plan of action to take can help give you the confidence you need to get started.

Even though these steps may appear too simple or obvious, they really can change things around for the better.
These ideas will get your ex to notice you and realize that you aren’t moping around at home waiting for them to call. They will be intrigued and curious to find out more.

1. Go out with friends and have fun for a night or two. This is good for you to loosen up and enjoy things again. People may very well mention to your ex that you’re taking the breakup pretty well.
2. Keep up your appearance. When you take care of yourself, you can appear attractive and appealing. This may remind your ex of what attracted them to you in the first place.
3. Get some exercise. Again, you will look and feel better. Working out is good therapy when you are under stress and the mental pain of the breakup.
4. Stay away from your ex. That means no phone calls or text messaging or anything else for a month at least. This step is really important in getting your ex to come back to you. It allows both of you time to cool down emotionally and let your ex start to miss you.
5. An apology works wonders. By apologizing to your ex they will feel like no matter what you are on their side. Of course, you have to mean it and come across that way or your ex won’t buy it. The point isn’t who was right and who was wrong, but that you are willing to admit that you aren’t perfect. They will feel like you understand them and are willing to support them even during what you two are going through.
6. A new hobby can distract your mind from your ex for awhile. You need a break mentally so you can rest your mind enough to think things through. Distracting yourself by learning and doing something new is a great way to get this needed break.
7. Plan! This is key to actually getting your ex back. You don’t want to appear like you are waffling back and forth and don’t know your own mind. Taking the right steps will make you appear decisive and sure of yourself. Having a plan what to do next will help you stick with it if you don’t see the results you want right away.

There's more ways than this to get your ex to come back to you and even ways to get them to chase you instead.

For them to work you've got to put yourself in the right mindset and know you're going to succeed. Not everyone succeeds in getting their ex back, but armed with these tips you've already increased your chances more than most people out there.

If you're ready to get serious about winning your lover back, you should check out the ebook, "Magic of Making Up" by T. Dubb Jackson. I wish it had been around when I was young and single - it would have saved me a lot of heartache. Check it out by following the link to:Magic of Making Upand see how they have already helped thousands of lovers reunite!