Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Want To Know Why Your Ex Girlfriend Dumped You? The 3 Top Reasons!
That’s why you decided to read this article, because you just can’t figure out what went wrong. This hopefully will give you a little insight on why people break up and you may find that one of these describes your circumstances.
1.Your ex girlfriend felt unappreciated. It is important for everybody in a relationship to have feelings that they are appreciated. For whatever reason, your ex may not have felt good about herself when she was with you. If you weren’t able to make her feel special, most likely she’s looking for someone who will.
2.You got lazy and got into a rut. The beginning of most relationships start out with a lot of excitement and fun. Learning all about each other is an adventure of discovery. After awhile people become used to each other and tend to get into a rut that can lead to boredom. Your ex girlfriend may have become dissatisfied with this and decided it wasn’t what she wanted.
3.Arguing all the time. This is definitely one of the main things that causes people to break up. People can’t tolerate that situation forever. Your arguments most likely mean that there are things that you need to clear up and resolve. Little misunderstandings left unresolved have a way of magnifying themselves into big problems that will cause a rift.
If one or more of these reasons applies to your situation then you have a better idea why your ex girlfriend dumped you.
What’s important next is that you work on fixing it. Once your ex sees that you care enough to try and fix it you could be on your way to getting your ex back.
You will need a good plan to get her attention and show her that things can be different.
People are drawn to what brings them pleasure and withdraw from what is painful or uncomfortable. Work on making yourself attractive (not just physically) to your girlfriend and you will be well on your way to winning her back.
There's no reason you should sit there and feel miserable without your lover any longer.
Click this link to learn more about how "The Magic of Making Up" can effectively get your ex back today. Watch our free videos and join the thousands of happy couples who've already been reunited with the love of their lives. Visit us now at Make Up Magic !
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thinking of Tying The Knot? 5 Tips To Make Sure You Stay Together

Did you know that love does NOT conquer all?
You see, often people get married with the idea
that their “chemistry” or undying love for each
other will keep them together forever.
However, with almost 50% of marriages ending in
divorce these days, it’s obvious that this isn’t
the case. Therefore, it pays to know a few little
secrets before getting married.
Here are 5 tips that help keep couples together
long after tying the knot:
Over the years, people often drift apart or
relationships and marriages become stale because
couples fail to do new and special things together.
That's why going on new and refreshing dates is so
important. In fact, there is something about
“dating” that creates a sense of magic in a
relationship and can even bring relationships out
of a rut.
While on a date, you also put more effort into your
appearance, have more uninterrupted time to
communicate on a deeper level and are naturally
drawn closer together.
Stuck for ideas? Spend the day at the aquarium,
zoo, museum, carnival, bookstore, beach or park.
It’s a well-documented statistic that couples who
have dated for a year or longer before marriage
have a significantly lower rate of divorce than
those who married after a short dating period.
A year of dating gives time for many emotions to
surface and many character traits to be discovered.
You may adore someone in the spring, but despise
him or her in the winter.
Asking someone for his or her hand in marriage on
the third date isn't romantic. It's gambling.
Oftentimes, as a relationship matures, partners
tend to stop praising each other because they
'assume' their partner already knows what they're
When in reality, a day should never go by without
you praising your partner. Compliment them on their
cooking, reaffirm that they're the greatest person
in the world or tell them they’re a wonderful role
model. If you want to be loved and romanced by your
sweetheart, love and romance them first. When
they're feeling loved, it is much easier to love in
Are you a super supporter of what your mate does
and says? So do you cheer them on and praise them
constantly? Or do they constantly hear boos or
Couples with the most problems are often the ones
that say, "I just don't understand him/her."
So let me ask you: How knowledgeable are you about
your mate's profession or the degree they are
pursuing? Do you know anything about his or her
family heritage? Are you able to have a meaningful
conversation about her cross-stitch hobby or his
interest in rugby? If you are a man, do you fully
understand what women experience during PMS or
You don't need to be identical, but make an effort
to learn about the things that interest your
partner in life and you'll grow closer as a result.
Does your partner want kids? Do you both want
careers? Do they have a history of spending their
way into debt? Do they go to church?
In my opinion, the biggest reason almost half of
marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to
ask each other the right questions BEFORE they get
I guess people think they'll be able to change
their spouses after marriage and everything will be
better. Wrong. If you fail to sit down and discuss
finances, religion, sex, housing, your future, and
other topics in great detail, you could end up with
nothing but argument after argument for the rest of
your days.
In the end, if you both have completely different
views, desires and goals in life, there’s no
guarantee that chemistry or "I love you’s" will
help you stay together.
Make it your utmost priority to understand each
other 'inside-out' BEFORE you take that walk down
the aisle.
About the author:
Michael Webb is the author of “1000 Questions For
Couples" the most comprehensive book of questions
that all couples should ask before getting married.
Covering lovemaking, religion, careers, money,
children & raising them, household work,
personalities, the future and much much more.
Monday, September 15, 2008
How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex
One of the first things you need to do is get away from wherever you've be hanging out all this time so you can experience life again. Get off your couch, out of your bedroom, out of the house, just get out and try and be sociable again. You'll probably find you need to make yourself have fun if it's a friendly outing, but the main purpose of doing this is to distract your mind from something other than your ex. Don't be shy about meeting new people either, they can really help ease the pain after a break up so you can move on.
Now is that time to take up a new hobby or activity you've been putting off for so long. Learning something new will let your mind concentrate on doing it right and properly so your mind will be distracted as well. Physical activity has it's own way of working things out so if you chose to work out again it will go a bit further if distracting your thoughts than other activities. People commonly throw themselves into their work at this stage too. With their mind constantly on doing their job better they have less time to think about their ex. Slowly, but surely, time will make the pain go away as you continue to press forward.
There's a multitude of other ways to stop thinking about your ex out there. What's important is that you find one or two of them and take some action and do them. Until you find the will power to get out of the house, off of your computer, and back out into the world again you won't get be able to stop thinking about your ex.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wanting To Get Your Ex Back? – 5 Ways To Say I’m Sorry

After all, you are at least 50% responsible for the arguments and fights you had. Search yourself and you can surely find some things that you need to apologize for. Doing this right takes sincere effort on your part.
5 Ways to make it impossible to resist your apology:
1. Be sincere - truly confess what you did that was wrong. An insincere apolgy is not worth anything. You will feel relief and likely a lot of the negative feelings between the two of you will start to dissolve.
2. Be prepared - don’t rush into your apology. Think things through and have a plan for what you are going to say. Word things in a way that will make your ex realize that you put a lot of thought into your apology.
3. Never say “but” – This word is used when you want to put part of the blame on someone else. Don't undo what good you have done up to this point by trying to shift the blame.
4. No arguing – If your ex has trouble accepting your apology right away, don’t argue about it. You did break up and they need some time to make sure you mean it.
5. Make positive changes – Follow up your apology with working on changing your negative behaviors. You need to take action to show that your words meant something.
Really try hard to convince your ex that you are on their side, which is the whole meaning of the apology. You should agree with their decision to break up and let them know you want to work on the problems. This can make a real difference when they think you take their concerns seriously. If you've been afraid to make a move, don't wait any longer to make a sincere apology. It may end up being the key to getting your ex back.
Learn what moves are the "right" moves that will trigger the response you want from your ex. Don't blow it by acting on emotions alone, follow a plan of action designed to get your ex back. Find out the steps you need to follow in the Magic of Making Up system. It has a solid plan that has been proven to work. Find out more about it here!
Monday, September 8, 2008
How Can You Get Your Man Or Your Girl Back?

If you've recently broke up with your ex, you are probably trying to find out how to get your man or your girl back. I've been there and I know how desperate you can get and how easy it is to get crazy.
The pleading phone calls and text messages only annoy your ex and push them further away. But it's SO hard to get a grip, let alone figure out what will make them want to listen to you.
was one of the pleading, tearful dumped ones until I heard about a plan of action that totally turned my behavior around.
This plan of action comes from the book, "The Magic of Making Up" by T Dub Jackson. Believe me, it feels like magic when it works! I want you to see this video of other people who tried his plan and how it worked for them - don't just take my word for it!
There's more info about this book here:The Magic of Making Up, along with other free tips. You really need to check this out if you want to get your man or your girl back!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
5 Things NOT To Do If You Want To Get Your Ex Back

There’s lots of us who’ve been part of a breakup and much of the time all you can think about is how to get your man or ex-girlfriend back. Feeling miserable and doing crazy things by acting on emotions can be a big mistake. Let’s look at some of things people do when they are dumped and why they cause more problems with their ex and drive them further away.
- Calling, texting or emailing several times a day. These mostly end up in pleading or crying and annoy your ex. They will push you even further away. Right after a breakup one of the most important things to do is give your ex some space and time away from you.
- Apologizing for everything and promising to do whatever they want if they’ll just take you back. Comes across as insincere and only wanting your way.
- Losing your cool whenever you see or speak to them. You’re certainly not attracting them this way, only turning them off.
- Crying and telling them how they are the love of your life and you can’t live without them. You appear weak and desperate, and people are not attracted to weakness.
- Buttonholing your ex’s friends or family and pumping them for info or explaining why they should take you back. Again, you are not giving your ex any space and are only reinforcing the reasons they decided to break up with you.
I’m betting you could add to this list if you thought about it. So what should you do when you can’t think clearly and just want to get back together? You need a plan of action that really works and appeals to your ex on a totally different level than your frantic attempts to get their attention have done.
If you are serious about getting your ex back you owe it to yourself to read the “Magic of Making Up” by T Dub Jackson. He outlines a plan of action that really works in getting relationship back together. You’ll shake your head at his advice and wonder why you didn’t think of that. The problem is that after you break up you’re so emotional about it that you can’t think clearly and just act out of desperation. This is the worst thing you can do. I recommend reading this book and trying the tactics laid out, they really do work. Go here to check it out.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wanting To Get Back With Your Ex? Don't Go Too Fast, You May Blow It!
Find out what the "system" is in Magic of Making Up. If you're serious about getting back together with your ex you can't afford to pass this by, check it out here: Magic of Making Up.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Win Back a Girlfriend By Finding Out What She Desires In A Man!
You may have not noticed that something was missing in your relationship. At least you didn't realize things were bad enough that your girlfriend would want to leave. Women won’t always come out and tell you exactly what went wrong. She may say that you were busy all the time, didn't pay attention to her and didn't feel like you really loved her. Unfortunately that leaves most guys in the dark as to what to do.
Most men don't realize that women have a very deep need to feel appreciated. In fact, that is their consuming desire. Showing your appreciation for all the little things she does helps her feel loved. To make your ex feel that she's special you need to notice and acknowledge the things she does. She wants your attention and craves praise for her efforts. Think about all the things she does and start giving her credit for them. Whether it be cooking dinner or making dessert, dressing nicely, calling to hear your voice, cleaning the house or whatever – you get the picture?
Men who are able to make their women feel loved and needed by them are on the right track to a happy and stable relationship. Winning back a girlfriend that doesn't want to take your calls or give you another chance, calls for taking a special plan of action.
Read about a plan that really works and shows you a step by step method to get back with your ex in Magic of Making Up.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Honest Review of 50 Secrets To A Blissful Relationship
50 Secrets To Blissful Relationships - Book Review
Let's face it, there are thousands of marriage counselors and millions of relationship self-help books. So what makes 50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships by Michael Webb any different?
Let's find out:
First of all, it's great to see that, unlike many other authors, Michael Webb let's you inside his world. You get real-life examples of ways to solve relationship challenges, all based on his own personal life.
Second, unlike many other “experts” and marriage counselors, Michael Webb walks the walk. Michael Webb has never had a fight with his wife of 15 years, Athena. Inside this book, you learn exactly what he's done to make this a reality. Everything you read, he does or has done to improve his relationship, and that's what I really wanted to see - experience and real-life practice.
The book itself is simply set out with about one tip per day and just continues like this until the end of the book. Just about every tip had me shaking my head in agreement, as it gave me real-life solutions and several of those “a-ha” moments of profound understanding.
The only real down side of the book is that every tip is set out with the same formula: story or unrelated example, followed by how that example ties into relationships and that exact topic.
If you're impatient or in a hurry, you can always start about halfway down and find out exactly what point he's trying to make.
Also, instead of the tip titles providing a clear “how to solve X problem” or a clear topic description, it simply has a phrase that ties together with the information. Now while this is no big deal, it would have been nice to be able to skim the book to exactly the advice I wanted. Although if you read the information on the sales page, you can work out what information belongs where in the book. So it's not too bad.
All in all, this is one of the best relationship books I've ever seen and it definitely deserves a read, especially if you have serious problems in your relationship.
Click below for more information on the book
50 Secrets to a Blissful Relationship!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fear of Intimacy - How to Overcome It and Have a Closer Relationship
You may be thinking of sex, which is definitely an intimate act, but not the definition of intimate.
It's almost a cliche that men fear intimacy, but it's not always true and it doesn't have to be for you.
While men may have a bit more trouble with sharing their inner feelings than women, women are not immune to it.
Do you even want intimacy?
Some couples are comfortable having a more superficial relationship. They relate on a more surface level and seem to be happy with that. If you are in that place and are thinking something is missing, it's likely that you are missing a deeper level of connecting.
How to define true intimacy:
- Personal conversations on a regular basis
- Mutual trust
- Ability to rely on each other's confidentiality
- A deep emotional connection
- Emotional exposure
- Both people open - become vulnerable
People desire closeness to different degrees.
Those who want it and go after it are happier and better adjusted in their marriage and in their work.
How to develop intimacy:
- Use our feelings for good - we need to identify our feelings and be able to express them. In addition, if your partner is able to express their feelings to you it's important not to judge them or criticize them. By accepting them you enter into a deeper understanding of each other.
- Self-awareness - Once you can understand your feelings, thoughts, needs, and behaviors you are much closer to being able to understand those of your partner. Being able to share these with your lover builds closeness. This awareness should help you be in tune with others needs and is the opposite of being self-absorbed. Becoming attuned to ourselves may show us that that there are changes that need to be made, which will help negative behaviors as well.
- Compassion and empathy - Showing empathy means being able to experience "walking in their shoes", not just being sympathetic to them. Your partner will feel like you really understand them and are there for them. You may need to work on learning and practicing true empathy. It calls for you to be genuine, really listen to your partner and not be judgmental. It really can be learned and you will be able to be compassionate when your partner needs it.
You may have to work hard at getting intimate with your partner.
It takes practice. A willing heart and attitude goes a long way. If you are craving more closeness and connectedness in your relationship, it is worth working on it.
Maybe you feel like you are the only one trying?
That you're just not getting through to your partner? Follow this link: 50 Secrets to learn how to reconnect with your lover no matter how stubborn or distant they are and no matter how hopeless or difficult your situation seems. We have helped thousands develop a close and intimate relationship with their loved one.
Monday, September 1, 2008
3 Techniques To Save Your Relationship
Healthy relationships are a big part of what gives us a fulfilling life and even allows us to live longer. Since everyone is different keeping a relationship healthy can take a lot of work. We're all different people with different thoughts, interests, dreams, and aspirations, as well as our own quirks and personality traits that can sometimes clash with others. When it clashes with a significant other the results can cause rifts and separations that may not have happened if the two of you weren't so close. When this rift happens knowing what you need to do to fix them can get you back to being happy again with your partner.
These rifts left unchecked can cause the relationship to end. Lingering misunderstandings can further re-enforce any problems still left unresolved. In time you may not remember what it was you were originally angry or frustrated about, but still hold the emotional baggage that comes after a fight or sticky misunderstanding. Knowing how to fix these things, even in their advanced stages, will help you patch up your relationship to the happiness it used to be and make both of you feel a lot better at the end.
1. Two To Tango. In order for a fight to happen there must be two participants. Communication and interaction with your partner are of utmost importance in a relationship. If this suddenly comes to a stop after a bad fight the reasons for it need to be looked into and ironed out. Once the root of the problem is found you need to take steps to repair the rift between the two of you so you can both move and put the conflict behind you.
2. Keep The Relationship Fresh. It's not uncommon for things to become predictable and stagnant in a relationship. Spicing things up by surprising your partner or a short weekend get-away can renew the passion again. Random surprises and spur of the moment adventures will give you new memories to share and look back on. You can discover many new facets of your partner's personality you didn't know about from these random acts of excitement as well.
3. Accepting There Is A Problem. If you two are fighting pretending everything is ok isn't going to solve anything. Ignoring these conflicts won't make them go away and pretending they didn't happen won't assure if the same thing is brought up again another fight, probably more heated than the first, won't happen. Find ways that you and your partner can identify the problems between you two that need to be remedied. Once you know where the difficult areas are find a way to compromise to fix the problem.
Understanding these basic reasons misunderstandings happen will go a long way to fix the problems you have now and quickly stop any more conflicts from becoming bigger than they should be. Remember, you both want things to be peaceful, fun, and exciting between the two of you, so when conflicts arise that means something needs to be addressed to restore that peace and comfort zone. The sooner you act to fix it the better.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
By Michael Webb
Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t
have the magic and romance that it once had? Scared
this may affect or eventually end your
You’re not alone. Living with the same partner for
a long time can become stable and comfortable, and,
as a result, can also cause the loss of the spark
that made your relationship so special in the first
place. Here are some simple, fun and creative ideas
to reignite that magic:
1. Send them a unique gift at work.
Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a
bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two
stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your
two names pointing to the stick figures. Write ‘I
Love You’ inside a heart. Next get a large formal
envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a
formal address label of your partner's workplace,
such as: “For the immediate and urgent attention
of: Rebecca Jones, Level 20, Collins & Smith
Solicitors, New York.” Mail it to your partner so
they receive it in the middle of a busy day.
2. Become kids again.
If you are walking by a park, visit the swings and
give your partner a ride. This will often bring
back happy memories from their childhood.
3. Fun with water.
On a hot summer’s day, buy two large water pistols
and take them to the beach with you. Pull them out
and throw one to your partner and then have a huge
water fight.
4. Bring back childhood memories.
Contact your partner's family and ask if there was
anything she always wanted when she was a little
girl. For example, if she always wanted a porcelain
doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only
appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you
were thoughtful enough to find out what she always
wanted. You can do this for your man too.
5. Organize a backyard picnic on a warm summer’s
Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get
together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie
down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up
at the stars together.
6. Show you’re grateful for your partner.
Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find
it, with a note on it saying: "Thank you for coming
into my life."
7. Spice up your lovemaking.
Surprise your partner with a little gift after you make
love, try a new position, learn to give your partner a
sensual massage before or after, or just spend some
time staring into each other’s eyes and caressing their
bare skin before making love.
So there you have it 7 ways to add more passion
and excitement to your relationship starting right away.
About the Author:
Michael Webb's latest book, "Getting Him Back"
provides you with a step-by-step plan to get your
ex back, help heal relationships and even prevent a
breakup. For all the details, visit:
Get Your Lover Back