
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wanting To Know If My Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For Me? 5 Signals That Say He Does!

You broke up and are miserable wondering "does my ex boyfriend still have feelings for me?".

It can certainly be unbearable when you feel like you are still in love with somebody who doesn’t love you back. Take heart in realizing that breakups aren’t always permanent, you may know someone who’s gotten back together with their ex. Usually the relationship is stronger after they get back together.

There are signs you can look for to show if your ex boyfriend still cares about you.

  1. Has your ex boyfriend said he wants to still be friends? If so, take that as a good sign! That indicates that he still has feelings for you. What it can mean for you is a chance to get closer to him and maybe someday become a pair again.

  2. If your ex is texting you or phoning you, emailing you or any other form of contact you can take this as a sign that he still has feelings for you. Notice how often he does it and you may begin to see a pattern, which means it’s important to him.

  3. When you talk to your ex on a regular basis and he says that he misses you. At some level he is missing the sharing and close times he had with you and is looking to see if you also miss him.

  4. He doesn’t avoid you completely when he sees you. Even just saying a polite, “hello, how are you is a good thing and shows he still has some interest in you.

  5. Your ex boyfriend may even ask you if you are dating anyone. This is the time to answer honestly and not give into the impulse to make him jealous by pretending you’re going out with some wonderful guy. After all, your goal is not to drive him away.
Pay special attention to how he acts when he sees you.

He may seem nervous around you and this should be encouraging to you. There are steps you can take to help him open up and things you should be doing to encourage his interest in the right way. So, if you are sensing that your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you, it’s important to have a plan in mind and act on it!

"There's no reason you should sit there and feel miserable without your lover any longer. Learn more about how "The Magic of Making Up" can effectively get your ex back today. Join the thousands of happy couples who've already been reunited with the love of their lives. Visit us now at The Magic of Making Up - click here!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back? By Learning His Secret Desires!

Do you wish that you knew the secret to what your ex boyfriend wants?
Breaking up makes us think that we’ll never understand them. I know when my boyfriend broke up with me I just didn’t get it. After all, I loved him more than anything, what else could he want? Well, I’ve since learned the hard way what he did want, and I believe you can use it the way I did to get my ex boyfriend back.
After we’ve been in a relationship for awhile we start to take things for granted.
We don’t exactly act the same way we did when we first met them and started dating. Can you remember how much interest you showed in everything they were interested in in those days? I mean, my boyfriend was really into playing basketball, which really wasn’t my thing. But I was so enamored of him, I would shoot hoops with him, go to the gym and watch him and cheer for him. I can guarantee you that he appreciated all my interest! Ask yourself what you remember about your early days together. Did your ex feel appreciated by you then?
Men love to be admired.
If they feel like you think they’re the greatest, they are happy campers! Ask yourself if you’ve gotten into a rut and stopped working on the things that made your lover happy. As human beings we tend to be basically selfish and think about our own desires most of the time. We lose some of that focus we had on our partner’s needs to be admired and appreciated.
Sometimes it takes a slap in the face, like being dumped to wake us up.
It’s time to evaluate where you went wrong. If you want our ex to listen to us and take you seriously you have to be willing to admit it. If you are able to sincerely apologize to your ex you may be surprised how quickly their attitude changes!
Most likely they will be really shocked that you opened yourself up that way.
I’m not just talking about a general “I’m sorry, can we get back together” scenario. You need to be genuine and talk about some specific things you did wrong. This is powerful and can go a long way towards getting your ex to unbend towards you. You can clear the air and open up the discussion of how to improve your relationship.
Nine times out of ten this will start you on the road to reconciliation.
You shouldn’t panic if it doesn’t get you back with them right away. I recently reviewed a new book about mending relationships that I think may do the trick for you in getting your ex to want you back.
This is the book I wish had I could have read when I was young and single. It would have saved me a lot of grief. If you are serious about getting your ex back, then you should read my review of the “Magic of Making Up” here.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Does Your Ex Want You Back? 12 Signs That Say They Do!

What are the signs that your ex wants you back? It’s hard to tell, especially when you’re feeling very emotional and unsure of things after you broke up. There are some signs that show your ex is still interested in you if watch out for them!

1. Calls you up, just to say hello – they miss talking with you.

2. Says they want to be friends – they want to leave opportunities open.

3. Asks your friends questions about you – they are wanting to know what
you are up to and how you are taking things.

4. Give’s an ok to call them – want line of communication open.

5. Find them watching you – they can’t keep their eyes off you.

6. Acts friendly when you meet – they want you to think well of them.

7. Give you compliments – shows interest in your look, clothes, etc.

8. Asks you if you are dating anyone – want to know if you are still available.

9. They are not dating anyone – not ready to get involved with someone else.

10. Tries to get you to notice them – looking for your attention.

11. Keeps bumping into you – big sign of interest, especially if it happens
several times.

12. Brags about themselves – wants to attract you.

These are some of the signals you should be on the lookout for. Hopefully you will take some time and think of what needs to be changed in your relationship. If you get back together, you will want things to be better and stronger than before. Seeing a positive change in you will do a lot to get your ex’s attention. Watch for the signs that your ex wants you back, and take action!

If you are serious about getting your ex back you owe it to yourself to read the “Magic of Making Up” by T Dub Jackson. He outlines a plan of action that really works in getting relationship back together. You’ll shake your head at his advice and wonder why you didn’t think of that. The problem is that after you break up you’re so emotional about it that you can’t think clearly and just act out of desperation. This is the worst thing you can do. I recommend reading this book and trying the tactics laid out, they really do work. Go here to check it out.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to Deal With a Break Up and Get to the Making Up!

Have you experienced the pain of having to deal with a break up?

I know firsthand how miserable it is. You would do just about anything to be able to make up. Unfortunately, most of us go about getting our ex back totally the wrong way.

It helps to have a little insight into the mind of your ex.

However, it’s usually such a devastating blow that we can’t think straight, let alone figure out what it is that our partner wants. We react irrationally and go a little crazy. Let me explain what I mean.

Your ex has said that they “want some space” or words to that effect.

That usually upsets us so much that space is the last thing we want to give them. I remember going through some heartbreaks of my own before I got married and feeling panicky and not knowing what to do. What usually happens is that we start calling up our ex lovers multiple times a day and leaving constant messages. Or it may be text messaging or emailing, or a combination of those. Either way, our ex gets annoyed and ends up withdrawing further away from us.

You need to back off and stop pestering them.

We really need to respect their request for space. It may be really hard but you need to back off and stop pestering them. You have to tell yourself that this is your best chance at getting them to want to see or speak to you in the future. A month, at least is recommended so that your emotions can calm down and both of you can start thinking and acting rationally. After a whole month without contact, you may find that your ex really does miss you and is open to talking again.

What to do when you meet again:

  • Make sure that when you do talk to them you know what to say.
  • Make them feel like you are on the same page as they are.
  • Agree with their reasons for breaking up – major points for this!
  • Apologize sincerely for what you did wrong – without placing any blame on them!
  • Have some ideas ready for how to make some changes to make things better.

Your ex will likely be most pleasantly surprised if you are able to do those things.

This is the way to move from wondering how to deal with a break up and get to the making up. You should impress your ex with your sincerity and desire to commit to changes. It's important to have a solid plan to follow so you don't blow things.

Are you tired of feeling miserable without your ex? Learn more about a plan that you can follow to effectively get your ex back today. Join the thousands of happy couples who've already been reunited with the love of their lives. Visit us now at The Magic of Making Up - click here!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Easy to Follow Tips to Win Your Ex Back Today

You may feel like there’s nothing you can do to win your ex back.

Don’t give up, I’m going to give you some tips you can work on to get them back. Tips that will disarm your ex and have them wondering why they broke up with you in the first place. I’ve been there and made a lot of the same mistakes that most people make after their partner breaks up with them. I had to learn the hard way. Let’s see what you can do that will really change your ex’s mind.

To begin with, don’t let your emotions control you.

A common mistake that I made and most make that have recently been dumped is to continuously call or text your ex. This is super annoying to your ex and will only drive them further away from you. Some people even watch their house hoping to get to see their ex. This is about the worst thing you can do. You need to get control of this behavior and stop harassing your ex. You goal should be to miss you and not be looking to avoid you!

Next, go out and have some fun!
Be seen by your friends (and your mutual friends out enjoying yourself). An even better idea is to go out on some dates. You may actually find yourself having fun with someone who is not your ex! This will bother your ex when they see that you are actually going on with your life without them. Even though they broke up with you, they won’t expect this and it will actually make you more appealing to them.

Finally, ask your ex to meet with you for a brief visit, like at a coffee shop or other public place.

If it’s in public, it tends to not get too emotional. The idea of this meeting is to apologize. If you are honest with yourself, you can surely come up with something that you can apologize for. Just be sincere and this usually works so well that your ex will be extremely open and willing to discuss getting back together with you!

If things don’t happen the way you want right away, don’t give up! I just recently read a great book on the subject and you can check it out here: “The Magic of Making Up” here. I really think it can help you.

To win your ex back you just need a solid, common sense plan that works.

Following a plan of action that uses common sense instead of following your emotions really will help you get your ex back. Find out how to get them to return your phone calls, and other tips here: Make Up Magic

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Scared You’ll Never Get Your Ex Back? 7 Steps To Take to Win Them Back

If you’ve been miserable since your breakup then you need to have a plan to get your ex back starting today!

It’s miserable to be told goodbye by someone you love and feel like that’s the end of everything you had together. You think that you’d do anything to get your ex back, but are unsure and scared of how to go about it. Having a plan of action to take can help give you the confidence you need to get started.

Even though these steps may appear too simple or obvious, they really can change things around for the better.
These ideas will get your ex to notice you and realize that you aren’t moping around at home waiting for them to call. They will be intrigued and curious to find out more.

1. Go out with friends and have fun for a night or two. This is good for you to loosen up and enjoy things again. People may very well mention to your ex that you’re taking the breakup pretty well.
2. Keep up your appearance. When you take care of yourself, you can appear attractive and appealing. This may remind your ex of what attracted them to you in the first place.
3. Get some exercise. Again, you will look and feel better. Working out is good therapy when you are under stress and the mental pain of the breakup.
4. Stay away from your ex. That means no phone calls or text messaging or anything else for a month at least. This step is really important in getting your ex to come back to you. It allows both of you time to cool down emotionally and let your ex start to miss you.
5. An apology works wonders. By apologizing to your ex they will feel like no matter what you are on their side. Of course, you have to mean it and come across that way or your ex won’t buy it. The point isn’t who was right and who was wrong, but that you are willing to admit that you aren’t perfect. They will feel like you understand them and are willing to support them even during what you two are going through.
6. A new hobby can distract your mind from your ex for awhile. You need a break mentally so you can rest your mind enough to think things through. Distracting yourself by learning and doing something new is a great way to get this needed break.
7. Plan! This is key to actually getting your ex back. You don’t want to appear like you are waffling back and forth and don’t know your own mind. Taking the right steps will make you appear decisive and sure of yourself. Having a plan what to do next will help you stick with it if you don’t see the results you want right away.

There's more ways than this to get your ex to come back to you and even ways to get them to chase you instead.

For them to work you've got to put yourself in the right mindset and know you're going to succeed. Not everyone succeeds in getting their ex back, but armed with these tips you've already increased your chances more than most people out there.

If you're ready to get serious about winning your lover back, you should check out the ebook, "Magic of Making Up" by T. Dubb Jackson. I wish it had been around when I was young and single - it would have saved me a lot of heartache. Check it out by following the link to:Magic of Making Upand see how they have already helped thousands of lovers reunite!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Want to Get Your Ex Back? Try These Mind Tricks!

It's easy for you to figure out what you are thinking and feeling. When your ex walked out you felt heartbroken, betrayed and miserable. It leaves you feeling like you won't ever be happy again.

What about your ex? It's not easy being the "bad guy", the one who had to break it off. Even if your ex lover felt justified in saying goodbye that doesn't mean they feel good about it. After all, if they loved you then they still have strong feelings and emotions concerning you. They don't like thinking about the fact that they broke your heart and it makes them miserable and upset.

Their feelings about you are painful for them right now and they tend to want to avoid you. When something is painful, people draw away from it. The best thing you can do is to give them the space that they need. Stop calling them up or emailing or text messaging. Don't contact them for several weeks or a month, at least.

You want them to wonder why they haven't heard from you. They expect you to be thinking about them all the time and calling them. When you stop, you turn the tables. You are now in a position of power and when you do call they will want to talk to you.

You want your ex to think that they can't just have you back whenever they crook their little fingers. People really fight for what seems to be slipping out of their grasp. You can really get them to change their thinking if they think you are leaving them!

When you've decided that it's time to call them, you should have a solid plan of what you want to say. The last thing you want to do is lose control and blow the advantage that you've gained. There are techniques you need to use when you see or talk to them next.

It's important that follow the right steps if you want to be successful. A step-by-step program that has proven to work is called the Magic of Making Up - click here to see. You can watch some videos for more ideas on what to do there. A complete plan is what you need if you want to get your ex back.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What Is the #1 Thing You Can Do to Get Your Ex Back?

Do you know what the most important thing you can do to get your ex back?

There really is one thing that will make the most difference. Believe me, I’ve learned from experience. It’s also something that I have to be willing to do whenever it’s needed to my husband of 32 years. It’s one of the keys to having a good relationship.

The most important thing you can do to mend a break is apologize!

It’s certainly not as easy as it sounds. Whenever people have to say I’m sorry it is very humbling and difficult to do. It’s also what makes the most impact. I’m talking about a sincere, well thought out apology here.

I know if you’ve recently broken up that you are still feeling hurt and may be too upset to really think things through.

Believe me, I’ve been there and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to guarantee that I’ll never be there again! Sitting by the phone and waiting for him or her to call really won’t help, even though you may not feel like doing anything else right now.

Give yourself some time to heal – at least a month or so.

It’s going to be difficult too really get inside yourself and think things through rationally, which is what you need to do. The goal should be to figure out the problems in your relationship. You’ll need to know what you need to work on when you do get back together.

Now, to talk about the apology.

Once you have thought things through you should be able to clearly see where you were wrong. This is the time to focus on yourself and your problems, not your partners. Then you can think of exactly what and how to say you are sorry for. Your ex will be able to tell if you really mean it and it’s something you’ve given some thought to. Not just an I’m sorry, can I come back apology. When you do this you should feel better – it’s a relief to get things out. Probably your ex will want to admit some things on their part also.

Once you’ve done that you’ve got an excellent start on mending your relationship.

Remember not to push anything or ask for anything. This really is the most important thing you can do, so make sure you put the effort into it.

There is a method you can follow if you want to mend your relationship. People are drawn to what makes them happy or brings them pleasure. They draw away from what causes them pain or discomfort. Learn how to make yourself attractive and desirable (not just physically), and you can take a big step towards making your ex want you back.

There's no reason you should sit there and feel miserable without your lover any longer.

Click this link to learn more about how "The Magic of Making Up" can effectively get your ex back today. Watch our free videos and join the thousands of happy couples who've already been reunited with the love of their lives. Visit us now at Making Up.