Do you wish that you knew the secret to what your ex boyfriend wants?
Breaking up makes us think that we’ll never understand them. I know when my boyfriend broke up with me I just didn’t get it. After all, I loved him more than anything, what else could he want? Well, I’ve since learned the hard way what he did want, and I believe you can use it the way I did to get my ex boyfriend back.
After we’ve been in a relationship for awhile we start to take things for granted.
We don’t exactly act the same way we did when we first met them and started dating. Can you remember how much interest you showed in everything they were interested in in those days? I mean, my boyfriend was really into playing basketball, which really wasn’t my thing. But I was so enamored of him, I would shoot hoops with him, go to the gym and watch him and cheer for him. I can guarantee you that he appreciated all my interest! Ask yourself what you remember about your early days together. Did your ex feel appreciated by you then?
Men love to be admired.
If they feel like you think they’re the greatest, they are happy campers! Ask yourself if you’ve gotten into a rut and stopped working on the things that made your lover happy. As human beings we tend to be basically selfish and think about our own desires most of the time. We lose some of that focus we had on our partner’s needs to be admired and appreciated.
Sometimes it takes a slap in the face, like being dumped to wake us up.
It’s time to evaluate where you went wrong. If you want our ex to listen to us and take you seriously you have to be willing to admit it. If you are able to sincerely apologize to your ex you may be surprised how quickly their attitude changes!
Most likely they will be really shocked that you opened yourself up that way.
I’m not just talking about a general “I’m sorry, can we get back together” scenario. You need to be genuine and talk about some specific things you did wrong. This is powerful and can go a long way towards getting your ex to unbend towards you. You can clear the air and open up the discussion of how to improve your relationship.
Nine times out of ten this will start you on the road to reconciliation.
You shouldn’t panic if it doesn’t get you back with them right away. I recently reviewed a new book about mending relationships that I think may do the trick for you in getting your ex to want you back.
This is the book I wish had I could have read when I was young and single. It would have saved me a lot of grief. If you are serious about getting your ex back, then you should read my review of the “Magic of Making Up” here.
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